Friday, March 28, 2008


Doing the TrainRight TT session on the trainer in about an hour. Not looking forward to it. I guess it is a necessary evil.

On the other hand, my single speed is finished. It's a total pile, but it only cost me 175 bucks. WITH new wheels. It's cobbled together out of old bike shop parts, right down to the bar tape (it's black on one side and red on the other). Pictures to follow at some point. Maybe.

Monday, March 24, 2008

VeloNews sucks

Remember just a few days ago when I posted that Competitive Cyclist thing about the 2009 Dura-Ace group? It was taken down pretty quickly, but I hope a few of you saw it. The biggest change with '09 DA is rerouting the shift cables under the bar tape, plus a new lever design. This revelation came as a surprise to precisely no one, as people had been talking about it for months.

Except VeloNews. They apparently just figured it out right here. What the hell do those guys do all day?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I might have Hepatitis

From this place.

This, of course, is the Subway in Wahoo. Jon and I went there today on the way back from the training crit and I had to take a picture. I thought the shitty van with the ghetto open door definitely added to the photo. Incidentally, that van is worth a few hundred bucks tops, but has thousands and thousands of dollars in bike equipment inside it.

Anyway, I was standing outside the Subway taking a picture. I've eaten at my fair share of Subways, but this was the only one I had ever been to that was made out of rotting plywood. Jon walked in and the two employees were staring at me slack-jawed (which I think was an unrelated condition). Jon told them that no, this wasn't the first Subway I had eaten at; in fact, this was my 1500th Subway. I never eat at the same one, and I take a picture of each one. I'm sure this ridiculous story just made them think I was even crazier, but it was hilarious.

The crit was not so good. I finished 11th out of 12, and that 12th guy dropped out really early in the race, so for all intents and purposes, I was last. I got dropped on the second to last lap and the gap just kept growing in the wind until I quit trying to close it. All things considered, though, I think it was good. I was competitive for almost the entire race even though I have done zero training this winter. Once I get some good miles in my legs, I'm sure I will be able to race well in the 4s.

Almost crashed. It was really, really close, and the resulting nerves didn't help me when I was trying to stay on the pace. Joe Savoie and I touched wheels and I almost went down, but my first thought was "God, I can't crash Munson's bike." It looked like this. But, you know, not quite as bad ass. That's Contador when he still rode for Liberty Seguros. And when that team still existed.

Oh, and Ian Grey soloed off the front for the win in the 1/2 race, in a move that surprised no one. And he rode to the race from his house in Lincoln.

Monday, March 17, 2008

I need a mustache

Like this one.

Or this one.

That's Dave Z on top and Steven Cozza on the bottom. Slipstream really seems to be the mustache capitol of the pro peloton. And that's why it's America's Team, man.

STOP THE PRESSES: Competitive Cyclist, a website I have mentioned countless times on this page, just now sent me an email about the new 2009 Dura-Ace group, DA 7900. And it's pretty impressive.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

New position!

Yeah. My new position looks just like that.

But, you know, not.

I've been feeling too stretched out on my bike lately, so I stopped at Sprocket's after my ride today (more on that later) and had Steve look at my positioning. Turns out I had it all wrong. I am now the proud owner of a 100mm stem instead of my old 110 and I moved my saddle up about a centimeter. Oh, and I moved my seat up a tiny bit. I only rode about two miles on it, but I feel a lot more comfortable, especially in the drops. I used to feel pretty bunched up, but now I'm a lot better. Hopefully power transfer will be better, too.

About the ride today - It was COLD. Really, really cold. And windier than hell. I knew I was riding with a good wind on the way down because I exhausted my 12t cassette no problem on an interval, but I was completely unprepared for what I encountered on the way back up. It was an unrelenting gale of bitter cold. Eventually, I decided to cut my losses and take inland streets back up north. It was like a 45-minute set of intervals. It was waaay more fun than gritting my teeth and putting up with the wind.

Taking tomorrow off from riding on account of my predicted major hangover. Look for more on Monday afternoon, when I might be able to function again. I love Chicago.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Look what I found!

Found this while perusing the photo section of the Joe Martin website. Most of that site blows, but the pictures from 2004 are a gold mine. Just check out this baby - Chris Spence with one bandaged arm, and yellow lenses, riding an old team Giant. And looking meaner than hell. He still looks the same, just thinner and meaner.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Before we get into today's post, kids, let's talk about those shoes. Bettini complained to Sidi that the walk to the podium was too slippery in his custom-made cleats. So they grafted on a sole from one of their motorcycle boots so he could have podium shoes. How ridiculous is that.

Great ride today. I woke up nice and early to meet Bryan, who came over because I inadvertently stole his quick release after our trainer ride. He brought Jack, who was very serious the whole time. Dour, even. Still, that kid is hilarious. And HUGE! He's a bruiser. Gonna be a sprinter or a crit specialist once that new helmet comes in. Maybe a Classics rider.

Anyway, the ride. I don't have legwarmers since that unfortunate Southwest debacle, so I had to go out in kneewarmers and just coat my shins with Elite warming embrocation. God that stuff is just fantastic. I don't even know how cold it was outside, but I do know I had a base layer, a jersey, and a PI jacket on my top half, with two pairs of gloves. Then I had exposed shins, and they were perfectly warm. Good stuff.

Two weird things happened on this ride. One, I was hassled my a jerkoff in a big truck. Now this, in itself, is far from unusual. In fact, I would be amazed if it didn't happen on a two hour solo ride. What sets this encounter apart is the fact that after this guy leaned out his window and yelled "Pussy!" at me (which was strange, seeing as he was riding along in a truck and I was out climbing a godawful hill with exposed skin), he drove past and I saw the stickers on the back of the truck. The rear window was dominated my a huge cross, with illustrated beams on light emanating from it. Then there was the "What Would Jesus Do?" bumper sticker.

So there you have it, kids. Apparently Jesus hates cyclists.

The other weird thing that happened - on the way home, I was catcalled by what I could only call a gaggle of high school girls. They drove up beside me in their little Chevy Malibu and said all sorts of obscene things. I felt a little violated, but mostly confused. Here I am, sweaty, dirty, and looking like hell, wearing crappy shorts that sag in the back like a diaper, and they catcalled me. It was weird, man.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

I need to post something, I guess

Yeah, I do have to bump Sheldon from the top of the page. It's getting a little weird, with that crazy eagle staring at me all the time.

Great ride on Saturday. Headed out to balmy temps from Munson's place, got in a good couple hours, got my ass kicked my everyone out there, and was thoroughly motivated by the end of the ride. At least I was in better form than that dude in the jeans. But just barely. God, that guy's business must have been on fire.

And now that it's cold again in Nebraska, you might be needing one of these, Bryan.