Saturday, March 15, 2008

New position!

Yeah. My new position looks just like that.

But, you know, not.

I've been feeling too stretched out on my bike lately, so I stopped at Sprocket's after my ride today (more on that later) and had Steve look at my positioning. Turns out I had it all wrong. I am now the proud owner of a 100mm stem instead of my old 110 and I moved my saddle up about a centimeter. Oh, and I moved my seat up a tiny bit. I only rode about two miles on it, but I feel a lot more comfortable, especially in the drops. I used to feel pretty bunched up, but now I'm a lot better. Hopefully power transfer will be better, too.

About the ride today - It was COLD. Really, really cold. And windier than hell. I knew I was riding with a good wind on the way down because I exhausted my 12t cassette no problem on an interval, but I was completely unprepared for what I encountered on the way back up. It was an unrelenting gale of bitter cold. Eventually, I decided to cut my losses and take inland streets back up north. It was like a 45-minute set of intervals. It was waaay more fun than gritting my teeth and putting up with the wind.

Taking tomorrow off from riding on account of my predicted major hangover. Look for more on Monday afternoon, when I might be able to function again. I love Chicago.


bryan said...

go back to the old way -- I liked it when you were uncomfortable and possibly slower.

Sean said...

You don't have much to worry about, I'll only get fast in about July. Well, it will be a lot like last summer, because I did about the same amount of off-season training, but I started with a much lower base this year, so I'll be slower. And you'll be faster, don't have a lot to worry about. I'll be like Marco Velo.