Monday, January 28, 2008

I love riding outside, but...

But I hate cleaning salt and sand off the bike afterwards. It was 45 in Chicago today, and it started raining about 5 minutes after I got out there. I rode down the lakefront until I saw lightning, then hauled ass home. There were 40mph wind gusts from the south, so it was slow going on the way down. There's really nothing like giving it your all in a sprint and not quite hitting 20mph. On the other hand, there's no feeling like easily exhausting a 10speed cassette on the way back, either. Average speed just shy of 30 on the way back.

And Now I have a few hours of cleaning in front of me. If you'll excuse me.


bryan said...

Oh, great. Now I can't think of anything snarky.

Sean said...

See, this is exactly why I disabled comments at first. It was all just a clever ploy to foil you, Bryan! HAHAHAHAHA

bryan said...

I hope you crash, though gently and without damage to anything except your pride.