Monday, April 14, 2008

I want to race!

Badly. And right now.

I want less of this...

And more of this:

But hopefully not much of this:

So I want to go to Iowa City. Probably a foolhardy move, considering finals week starts that Monday. But still! I'll bring a textbook or something. I'm itching to race. Though there probably won't be much of this going on:

But that's okay.


munsoned said...

My only advice for the Old Cap Crit; blast up the hill like a mad man the first few laps otherwise you'll be in a group that gets pulled. They start pulling people after the 3rd or 4th lap. The first time I did that crit as a 4, the field started with about 70 entrants and ended with 25 finishers. I got 7th only because I followed the advice of a teammate and attacked the hill in the early laps.

Have fun and don't stop till you puke!

Sean said...

Lando told me that too. Which suits me well, I always start crits too fast, so this might be the only place where I can use that too my advantage. 70 down to 25? Jesus. If I get pulled early, I'm going to be pissed.

I'll have to ride hard for the next couple days. This is gonna be hard.

bryan said...

and that's why I've been doing hill sprints for the last week. And that's why I registered early so I could be on the front row.

Sean, register right now if you haven't already.

Sean said...

I registered. I'm order number 50. That's probably not good, is it?

bryan said...

nah -- that's OK. By my count, you're the 50th rider total to register, in all classes.

Sean said...

That's not so bad. What's your number?

bryan said...

I'm the sixth or seventh Cat. 4 on the list, I do believe.