And my kit is encrusted with grime and dirt. I have a dirty roostertail all the way up my back and onto my helmet. I have so many wet and dirty clothes that I actually don't have enough places to hang them in the room so they can dry. I guess it serves me right for insisting on riding even though it was 50 degrees and raining. The group I was going to ride with bailed on me because of the rain, but I was too restless - I've been off the bike for a few days because of midterms and papers, so I wanted to get out for a few hours no matter what.
I'm going to go take an extremely hot shower.
PS. This is the first picture posted from the new 10.1 megapixel camera. See how crazy sharp it is? Click on that and look at the big version, it's AWESOME. Sorry, I'm really excited about this.
Just leave your bike out in the rain -- that should clean it off pretty well.
Hey, I need my Postal lid. It's getting colder and I'm getting balder. Do you have PayPal so I can send you some cash?
There's a UPS store right near my place, so I'll ship it. It'll only cost a few bucks, so don't worry about it. I have two warmer winter hats that are insulated, you want to borrow one?
YES. Yes I do. I'll email you my address.
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