Thursday, December 13, 2007

Michael Ball...

...seems like such an asshole.

He did an interview with VeloNews and comes off like an incredibly egotistical jerk. I'm sure it's a pretty accurate portrait of the man, I've heard nothing but bad things about him. He's put together a pretty impressive team, though, so you've got to give him some credit for that. And he makes some great pants - I'm wearing some right now. The team will be at Joe Martin, which I definitely want to race or at least watch. I want to grab some of that totally badass kit.

In other news, I've been off the bike for three full weeks now. Not a good sign. I've had finals to work on, so that's been a blast. On the other hand, I've done so well this semester they are renaming the Dean's List and instead calling it Sean's List. I hope this education is worth my riding suffering...


bryan said...

I was going to post nearly that same opinion tomorrow. Now I'll merely have to link to it.

Make sure you find a bike to ride while you're home -- the house of pain will be open for basement rides. We may not see the road until April.

Sean said...

I'm actually bringing back the Tarmac. If the house of pain is open business, I might even bring my trainer wheel...

munsoned said...

I like how Horner called him out on his version of the contract negotiations. Horner's a true bad ass. If you ever get a chance, watch Pro the Movie. I think. It's either Pro, or The Hard Road. There's a scene where, at the Manayunk wall in Phillys US Pro race, Horner attacks like everyone else is standing still. The grade is like 10% and goes up to 17% and he just flies up it. Great scene. Bryan, if Pro is in your DVD arsenal, watch it. Good stuff.

bryan said...

The Tarmac? Shit, I'd better get the Felt cleaned up. I should wax it, too.

mike -- I don't have that one. I'll tell Dave Rogers to get it.

bryan said...

speaking of suffering ... put this blog out of its misery or post some pictures of burned cars.