Saturday, May 17, 2008

Time Trial!

Some thoughts:

Jesus that was awful.

Nothing like 25 miles of hills and wind to really get you in a good mood.

It was so windy that in the crosswind coming downhill right after the turnaround, I wanted to shift up two gears because I was spinning out - but I couldn't, because I thought if I took one hand off my aero bars, I would get blown over.

Plus, of course, the wind got worse on the way back, when we had to ride dead into it.

Maresh won, but he should have upgraded. Like, a year ago. He beat Pav, albeit by three seconds. He should be in the 3s. Though I'm sure Pav would rip his legs off in a road race.

Matt Landen's TT setup is crazy aero. And with those new Blackwell wheels (80mm rear rim), he's even faster than he used to be.

Lando is selling his Hed 3s and I want to buy them. The problem is, I have no use for them whatsoever. I do so few time trials I really can't justify the expense. If I had a whole TT bike, I could see it, but that's a few years off. Right now, I'm flat freakin' broke and I really shouldn't drop a grand on a wheelset I won't use enough.

Dropping a grand on a wheelset I will use a lot, however, is another story. I'm looking for a new wheelset; I'm tired of the Rovals. Tell your friends.


bryan said...

Get wheels here. Nice job on Saturday. Bye.

brady said...

Good race Sean. Bryan says that you're getting strong again and quickly. It's gonna get interesting real soon.

Also, I saw you on the Tarmac around 7pm Sunday. I would have honked and given you the finger but it was right in front of Dundee Presbyterian Church. Now I'm quite sure that would have brought out a bid toothy grin from you, but I've got my standards.